Craig & PJ

Craig & PJ

March 7, 2025 • Sunshine Coast QLD, Australia
Craig & PJ

Craig & PJ

March 7, 2025 • Sunshine Coast QLD, Australia

On the Day

March can either be sunny, stinking hot and humid, or pouring down, stinking hot and humid! Common theme here ...."STINKING HOT AND HUMID" So as long as you're not wearing jeans or togs, (come on people it is a wedding, no jeans or togs till after the ceremony) you'll be fine. Average temperatures for this time of the year are about 28-30 degrees with 90-100% humidity. Girls, straighteners will be available if needed. Men, dress shorts for the win!!

Everything is in the same location, so once you arrive you don't need to go anywhere.

We're aiming to kick the ceremony off around 2:00pm. The bar will be open from 1.00pm with champers etc on arrival. Craig will be there to mingle with everyone before PJ comes out. Chris, aka Squidly, PJ's big little brother as the master of ceremony will be the go to guy on the day if you need any sort of assistance. As there will be about 50 or so of us, carparking might be a little tight so think about uber, taxiing, walking, bus...DON'T DRIVE !

After the ceremony will be a chance for everybody including us to mingle and catch up and have a drink or two while candid photos are taken. We aren't leaving! Why would we?

After the ceremony full bar service and food will be available before we have a three course meal matched with appropriately delicious wines. Anticipating dinner will kick off around 5:00pm.

There will be either a band or a DJ to kick off the evening festivities, so bad dancing and off-key singing expected!!

If you go to the photos page, we have uploaded photos of the pad/venue/mansion that Steve (an exceptional kiwi friend of ours) has kindly allowed us to use his amazing house to make memories with you all on our wedding weekend. (more about that to follow)

Note the pool, the tennis court and basket ball area at the pad - You choose your adventure during the time we are all together. Fancy a quick hit on the tennis court, rackets available! Want to shoot some hoops, go for it! Need to cool down? Go for a dip in the pool.